Sun2000 Modbus Register
Die folgenden Informationen für Huawei Sun2000 mit OpenHAB basieren auf den Informationen, die Huawei über seinen Text "Solar Inverter Modbus Interface Definitions" in der Version "Issue 04 Date 2023-01-10" zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Angereichert sind die Informationen mit eigenen Erfahrungen und Einzelinformationen aus dem Web, u.a. von
Die Sache mit dem Bier
Bei den Resgistern tauchen verschiedene Leistungsbeschreibungen auf. Daher steckt ein Problem, welches generell bei Wechselstrom auftritt und gern am Beispiel eines Bierglases erläutert wird:
- Scheinleistung, gemssen in Voltampere (VA), entspricht im Bierbeispiel der kompletten Höhe aus Flüssigkeit und Schaumkrone
- Blindleistung, gemessen in der Einheit Voltampere reaktiv (VAR), entspricht im Bierbeispiel der Schaumkrone
- Wirkleistung, gemessen in Watt (W), entspricht beim Bier der trinkbaren Flüssigkeit
Nutzbar beim Bier, also die Wirkleistung, ist nur die Flüssigkeit. Entsprechend ist es beim Wechselstrom. Zu berücksichtigen sind also nur Angaben zur Wirkleistung in der Einheit Watt (W bzw. kW).
Inverter Equipment
Die in den folgenden Tabellen fett hervorgehobenen Registernummern sind bei mir im Einsatz.
Address | Signal Name | Read/ Write | Type | Unit | Gain | Quantity | Scope | Beschreibung |
30000 | Model | RO | STR | 1 | 15 | For details see #Modelle_und_Firmware | Modell und Firmware als String | |
30015 | SN | RO | STR | 1 | 10 | Seriennummer als String | ||
30025 | PN | RO | STR | 1 | 10 | |||
30070 | Model ID | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | For details see #Modelle_und_Firmware | Modell-ID, /etc/openhab/transform/ | |
30071 | Number of PV strings | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | Anzahl der Strings | ||
30072 | Number of MPP trackers | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | Anzahl Maximum Power Point (MPP) Tracker | ||
30073 | Rated power (Pn) | RO | U32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | Maximale Wechselrichterleistung | |
30075 | Maximum active power (Pmax) | RO | U32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | maximale Wirkleistung | |
30077 | Maximum apparent power (Smax) | RO | U32 | kVA | 1000 | 2 | maximale Scheinleistung | |
30079 | Maximum reactive power (Qmax; fed to the power grid) | RO | I32 | kVar | 1000 | 2 | maximale Blindleistung eingespeist | |
30081 | Maximum reactive power (Qmax; absorbed from the power grid) | RO | I32 | kVar | 1000 | 2 | maximale Blindleistung bezogen | |
32000 | State 1 | RO | Bitfield16 | 1 | 1 |
Bit 0: standby |
Status 1 Statusmeldungen des Huawei SUN2000 Wechselrichters | |
32002 | State 2 | RO | Bitfield16 | 1 | 1 |
Bit 0: locking status (0: locked; 1: unlocked) |
32003 | State 3 | RO | Bitfield32 | 1 | 2 |
Bit 0: off-grid (0: on-grid 1:off-grid) |
32008 | Alarm 1 | RO | Bitfield16 | 1 | 1 | For details; see #Fehlermeldungen_vom_Modbus | Alarm 1 (generierte Alarme) | |
32009 | Alarm 2 | RO | Bitfield16 | 1 | 1 | For details; see #Fehlermeldungen_vom_Modbus | ||
32010 | Alarm 3 | RO | Bitfield16 | 1 | 1 | For details; see #Fehlermeldungen_vom_Modbus | ||
32016 | PV1 voltage | RO | I16 | V | 10 | 1 | A maximum of 24 PV strings are supported. The number of PV strings read by the host is defined by the Number of PV strings signal. The voltage and current register addresses for each PV string are as follows: | Spannung PV (von den Plattensträngen eingehende Spannung) |
32017 | PV1 current | RO | I16 | A | 100 | 1 | PVn voltage: 32014 + 2n PVn current: 32015 + 2n |
PV-Intensität (von den Plattensträngen ankommende Ampere) |
32018 | PV2 voltage | RO | I16 | V | 10 | 1 | ||
32019 | PV2 current | RO | I16 | A | 100 | 1 | ||
32064 | Input power | RO | I32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | AC Eingangsleistung | |
32066 | Power grid voltage/Line voltage between phases A and B | RO | U16 | V | 10 | 1 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; Power grid voltage is used. | Voltage Grid (Spannung des Hausinstallationsnetzes) |
32067 | Line voltage between phases B and C | RO | U16 | V | 10 | 1 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | |
32068 | Line voltage between phases C and A | RO | U16 | V | 10 | 1 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | |
32069 | Phase A voltage | RO | U16 | V | 10 | 1 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | AC Spannung R |
32070 | Phase B voltage | RO | U16 | V | 10 | 1 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | AC Spannung S |
32071 | Phase C voltage | RO | U16 | V | 10 | 1 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | AC Spannung T |
32072 | Power grid current/ Phase A current | RO | I32 | A | 1000 | 2 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; Power grid current is used. | Netzstrom (vom intelligenten Zähler abgelesener Strom) |
32074 | Phase B current | RO | I32 | A | 1000 | 2 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | |
32076 | Phase C current | RO | I32 | A | 1000 | 2 | When the output mode is L/N; L1/L2/N; or L1/L2; the information is invalid. | |
32078 | Peak active power of current day | RO | I32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | Maximum Power 24h (Spitzenleistung der letzten Stunden) | |
32080 | Active power | RO | I32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | AC Leistung (Aktive Leistung, die von den Modulen zu diesem Zeitpunkt produziert wird) | |
32082 | Reactive power | RO | I32 | kVar | 1000 | 2 | Reactive PV Power (Blindleistung zu diesem Zeitpunkt) | |
32084 | Power factor | RO | I16 | 1000 | 1 | |||
32085 | Grid frequency | RO | U16 | Hz | 100 | 1 | AC Frequenz (Hz des erzeugten Stroms) | |
32086 | Efficiency | RO | U16 | % | 100 | 1 | Effizienz (Wirkungsgrad des Wechselrichters. Dieser Wert hat sich im Laufe der Zeit dahingehend geändert, dass er immer 100 % anzeigt. Früher lag der tatsächliche Wert zwischen 97 und 98 %). | |
32087 | Internal temperature | RO | I16 | °C | 10 | 1 | Wechselrichtertemperatur (Selbsterklärend) | |
32088 | Insulation resistance | RO | U16 | MΩ | 1000 | 1 | Isolation gegen Erde in Ohm | |
32089 | Device status | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 |
0 = Standby: initializing |
Status Code /etc/openhab/transform/ | |
32090 | Fault code | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | Fehlercode | ||
32091 | Startup time | RO | U32 | 1 | 2 | Epoch seconds; local time | Wechselrichter Einschaltzeit (Wann der Wechselrichter zuletzt gestartet wurde.) | |
32093 | Shutdown time | RO | U32 | 1 | 2 | Epoch seconds; local time | Inverter Off Time (Wann der Wechselrichter nicht mehr läuft) | |
32106 | Accumulated energy yield | RO | U32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Erzeugte PV-Energie insgesamt (erzeugte kWh seit Inbetriebnahme des Huawei SUN2000-Wechselrichters) | |
32114 | Daily energy yield | RO | U32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Erzeugte PV-Energie heute (kWh produziert seit dem Einschalten des Wechselrichters heute) | |
35300 | [Active] Adjustment mode | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 |
0: percentage |
35302 | [Active] Adjustment value | RO | U32 | * | 2 |
Percentage: 0.1% |
35303 | [Active] Adjustment command | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 |
40125: active power derating by percentage (0.1%) |
35304 | [Reactive] Adjustment mode | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 |
0: power factor |
35305 | [Reactive] Adjustment value | RO | U32 | * | 2 |
Power factor: 0.001 |
35307 | [Reactive] Adjustment command | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 |
40122: power factor |
37113 | [Power meter collection] Active power | RO | I32 | W | 1 | 2 |
> 0: feeding power to the power grid |
Wirkleistung Netz (Strom, der vom Haus verbraucht wird. Wenn der Wert positiv ist, wird Energie abgegeben/exportiert/verkauft. Ist der Wert negativ, verbrauchen/importieren/kaufen wir Energie). |
37200 | [Optimizer] Total number of optimizers | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | Anzahl der Optimierer (Wie viele Optimierer wir insgesamt in der Anlage registriert haben) | ||
37201 | [Optimizer] Number of online optimizers | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | Optimierer online (Wie viele Optimierer arbeiten korrekt und melden sich beim Wechselrichter) | ||
37202 | [Optimizer] Feature data | RO | U16 | 1 | 1 | |||
40000 | System time | RW | U32 | 1 | 2 | [946684800, 3155759999] Epoch seconds, local time | ||
40037 | [Power grid scheduling] Q-U characteristic curve mode | RW | U16 | 1 | 1 |
0: non-hysteresis |
40038 | [Power grid scheduling] Q-U dispatch trigger power (%) | RW | U16 | % | 1 | 1 | [0; 100] | |
40120 | [Power grid scheduling] Fixed active power derated | RW | U16 | kW | 10 | 1 | Scope: [0, Pmax] | |
40122 | [Power grid scheduling] Reactive power compensation (PF) | RW | I16 | 1000 | 1 | [-1; -0.8]U[0.8; 1] | ||
40123 | [Power grid scheduling] Reactive power compensation (Q/S) | RW | I16 | 1000 | 1 | [-1; 1] The device converts the value to a fixed value of Q for reactive power control. S indicates Smax. | ||
40125 | [Power grid scheduling] Active power percentage derating (0.1%) | RW | U16 | % | 10 | 1 | Scope: [0; 100] Interface for fine adjustment of active power | |
40126 | [Power grid scheduling] Fixed active power derated (W) | RW | U32 | W | 1 | 2 | Scope: [0; Pmax] | |
40129 | [Power grid scheduling] Reactive power compensation at night (kVar) | RW | I32 | kVar | 1000 | 2 | [-Qmax; Qmax] | |
40133 | [Power grid scheduling] cosΦ-P/Pn characteristic curve | RW | MLD | 1 | 21 | |||
40154 | [Power grid scheduling] Q-U characteristic curve | RW | MLD | 1 | 21 | |||
40175 | [Power grid scheduling] PF-U characteristic curve | RW | MLD | 1 | 21 | |||
40196 | [Power grid scheduling] Reactive power adjustment time | RW | U16 | s | 1 | 1 | [1; 120]. The default value is 10 | |
40198 | [Power grid scheduling] Q-U power percentage to exit scheduling | RW | U16 | % | 1 | 1 | [0; 100] | |
40200 | Startup | WO | U16 | 1 | 1 | |||
40201 | Shutdown | WO | U16 | 1 | 1 | |||
42000 | Grid code | RW | U16 | NA | 1 | 1 | ||
42015 | [Power grid scheduling] Reactive power change gradient | RW | U32 | %/s | 1000 | 2 | [0.1; 1000] | |
42017 | [Power grid scheduling] Active power change gradient | RW | U32 | %/s | 1000 | 2 | [0.1; 1000] | |
42019 | [Power grid scheduling] Schedule instruction valid duration | RW | U32 | s | 1 | 2 | [0; 86400] The value 0 indicates that the command is valid permanently | |
42405 | Failsafe Active Power Limit (kW) (High Accuracy) | RW | I32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | [0.000;Pmax] | |
43006 | Time zone | RW | I16 | min | 1 | 1 | [-720; 840] | |
45086 | Fast power scheduling | RW | U16 | 1 | 0: Disable 1: Enable | |||
Address | Signal Name | Read/ Write | Type | Unit | Gain | Quantity | Scope | Beschreibung |
37100 | Meter status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | 0: offline; 1: normal | ||
37101 | Grid voltage (A phase) | RO | INT32 | V | 10 | 2 | ||
37103 | B phase voltage | RO | INT32 | V | 10 | 2 | ||
37105 | C phase voltage | RO | INT32 | V | 10 | 2 | ||
37107 | Grid current (A phase) | RO | INT32 | A | 100 | 2 | ||
37109 | B phase current | RO | INT32 | A | 100 | 2 | ||
37111 | C phase current | RO | INT32 | A | 100 | 2 | ||
37113 | Active power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 |
>0: feed-in to the power grid; |
Einspeisung bzw. Bezug |
37115 | Reactive power | RO | INT32 | Var | 1 | 2 | Reactive Power Grid (Selbsterklärend) | |
37117 | Power factor | RO | INT16 | NA | 1000 | 1 | ||
37118 | Grid frequency | RO | INT16 | Hz | 100 | 1 | Netzfrequenz (Hz des Netzes von der Straße kommend) | |
37119 | Positive active electricity | RO | INT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Electricity fed by the inverter to the power grid | Gesamtexportierte Energie (Wie viel Energie wir seit der Inbetriebnahme des Huawei LUNA2000-Wechselrichters exportiert haben). |
37121 | Reverse active power | RO | INT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Power supplied to a distributed system from the power grid | Gesamte importierte Energie (Wie viel Energie wir seit der Inbetriebnahme des Huawei LUNA2000-Wechselrichters importiert haben) |
37123 | Accumulated reactive power | RO | INT32 | kVar h | 100 | 2 | ||
37125 | Meter type | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | 0: single-phase; 1: three-phase | ||
37126 | A-B line voltage | RO | INT32 | V | 10 | 2 | ||
37128 | B-C line voltage | RO | INT32 | V | 10 | 2 | ||
37130 | C-A line voltage | RO | INT32 | V | 10 | 2 | ||
37132 | A phase active power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 |
> 0: feed-in to the power grid |
37134 | B phase active power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 |
> 0: feed-in to the power grid |
37136 | C phase active power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 |
> 0: feed-in to the power grid |
37138 | Meter model detection result | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: being identified |
Address | Signal Name | Read/ Write | Type | Unit | Gain | Quantity | Scope | Beschreibung |
37000 | [Energy storage unit 1] Running status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: offline |
Batteriestatus wie 37762 | |
37001 | [Energy storage unit 1] Charge and discharge power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 |
> 0: charging |
Batterieleistung >0 Laden < 0 Entladen |
37003 | [Energy storage unit 1] Busvoltage | RO | UINT16 | V | 10 | 1 | Energy storage module output voltage | Batterie-Bus-Spannung |
37004 | [Energy storage unit 1] Battery SOC | RO | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | Battery‘s state of capacity | SoC (% Batterie) |
37006 | [Energy storage unit 1] Working mode | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0:none |
Betriebsart, 0=keine, 2=programmiert (LG RESU), 3=feste Ladung/Entladung, 4=maximaler Eigenverbrauch, 5=alles ans Netz senden, 6=programmiert(LUNA2000) | |
37007 | [Energy storage unit 1] Rated charge power | RO | UINT32 | W | 1 | 2 | - | Ladeleistung (W) |
37009 | [Energy storage unit 1] Rated discha rge power | RO | UINT32 | W | 1 | 2 | - | Entladeleistung (W) |
37014 | [Energy storage unit 1] Fault ID | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | - | Fehler-ID | |
37015 | [Energy storage unit 1] Current-day charge capacity | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | Ladekapazität am aktuellen Tag (kWh) |
37017 | [Energy storage unit 1] Current-day discharge capacity | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | Entladekapazität am aktuellen Tag (kWh) |
37021 | [Energy storage unit 1] Bus current | RO | INT16 | A | 10 | 1 | Energy storage module output current | Busstrom (A) |
37022 | [Energy storage unit 1] battery temperature | RO | INT16 | °C | 10 | 1 | - | Batterietemperatur (ºC) |
37025 | [Energy storage unit 1] Remaining charge / discharge time | RO | UINT16 | mins | 1 | 1 | [0;1440] | Zeit für Laden/Entladen (Minuten) |
37026 | [Energy storage unit 1] DCDC version | RO | STRING | 1 | 10 | eg. 7kW- V1.3 | DCDC-Version | |
37036 | [Energy storage unit 1] BMSversion | RO | STRING | 1 | 10 | eg. 001. 002. 003. 004. | BMS-Ausführung | |
37046 | [Energy storage] Maximum charge power | RO | UINT32 | W | 1 | 2 | The value is the smaller value of the sum of the maximum charge and discharge capability of the solar inverter and the charge and discharge capability of the connected energy storage unit (ESU) | Maximale Ladekapazität |
37048 | [Energy storage] Maximum discharge power | RO | UINT32 | W | 1 | 2 | The value is the smaller value of the sum of the maximum charge and discharge capability of the solar inverter and the charge and discharge capability of the connected ESU | Maximale Entladekapazität |
37052 | [Energy storage unit 1] SN | RO | STRING | 1 | 10 | - | Seriennummer | |
37066 | [Energy storage unit 1] Total charge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | Gesamtladung (kWh) |
37068 | [Energy storage unit 1] Total discharge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | Gesamtentladung (kWh) |
37700 | [Energy storage unit 2] SN | RO | BYTES | 1 | 10 | - | ||
37738 | [Energy storage unit 2] Battery SOC | RO | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | Battery‘s state of capacity | |
37741 | [Energy storage unit 2] Running status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: offline |
wie 37762 | |
37743 | [Energy storage unit 2] Charge and discharge power | RO | INT32 | W | 1 | 2 |
> 0: charging |
37746 | [Energy storage unit 2] Current-day charge capacity | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | |
37748 | [Energy storage unit 2] Current-day discharge capacity | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | |
37750 | [Energy storage unit 2] Bus voltage | RO | UINT16 | V | 10 | 1 | - | |
37751 | [Energy storage unit 2] Bus current | RO | INT16 | A | 10 | 1 | - | |
37752 | [Energy storage unit 2] Battery temperature | RO | INT16 | °C | 10 | 1 | ||
37753 | [Energy storage unit 2] Total charge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | |
37755 | [Energy storage unit 2] Total discharge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | |
37758 | [Energy storage] Rated capacity | RO | UINT32 | Wh | 1 | 2 | Spezifische Kapazität (Nennkapazität) | |
37760 | [Energy storage] SOC | RO | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | [0.0,100.0] | SoC (% Batterien) 0.0-100.0 |
37762 | [Energy storage] Running status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: offline |
0=offline, 1=standby, 2=laufend, 3=Störung, 4=schlafen /etc/openhab/transform/ | |
37763 | [Energy storage] Bus voltage | RO | UINT16 | V | 10 | 1 | - | Bus-Spannung (V) |
37764 | [Energy storage] Bus current | RO | INT16 | A | 10 | 1 | - | Bus-Strom (A) |
37765 | [Energy storage] Charge/ Discharge power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | - | Lade-/Entladeleistung (>0 Laden der Batterie, <0, Entladen der Batterie. W) |
37780 | [Energy storage] Total charge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Life-cycle accumulation | Gesamtladung während der Lebensdauer der Batterie (kWh) |
37782 | [Energy storage] Total discharge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Life-cycle accumulation | Gesamtentladung während der Lebensdauer der Batterie (kWh) |
37784 | [Energy storage] Current-day charge capacity | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Current-day accumulation | Kapazität geladen am heutigen Tag |
37786 | [Energy storage] Current-day discharge capacity | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | Current-day accumulation | Kapazität, die am heutigen Tag entladen wurde |
37799 | [Energy storage unit 2] software version | RO | STRING | 1 | 15 | - | Software-Version | |
37814 | [Energy storage unit 1] software version | RO | STRING | 1 | 15 | - | ||
37920 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] SOH Calibration Status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | Die Angabe wiederholt sich für bede Units und jeweils 3 Packs | |||
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
37926 | SOH Calibration Status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | |||
37927 | SOH Calibration Release the lower discharge limit of the SOC | RO | UINT16 | 10 | 1 | |||
37928 | SOH Calibration Enable the backup power SOC | RO | UINT16 | 10 | 1 | |||
38200 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] SN | RO | STRING | 10 | - | Die folgenden 9 Angaben wiederholen sich mit einem Offset von 42
jeweils 3 Packs bei 2 Units | ||
38210 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Firmware version | RO | STRING | 15 | - | |||
38228 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Working status | RO | UINT16 | 1 | - | |||
38229 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] SOC | RO | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | - | |
38233 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Charge/ Discharge power | RO | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | - | |
38235 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Voltage | RO | UINT16 | V | 10 | 1 | - | |
38236 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Current | RO | INT16 | A | 10 | 1 | - | |
38238 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Total charge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | |
38240 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Total discharge | RO | UINT32 | kWh | 100 | 2 | - | wegen der Wiederholung sind die nächsten Felder nicht dargestellt |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
38452 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Maximum temperature | RO | INT16 | °C | 10 | 1 | - | Die folgenden Angaben wiederholen sich mit einem Offset von 2
jeweils 3 Packs bei 2 Units |
38453 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] Minimum temperature | RO | INT16 | °C | 10 | 1 | - | wegen der Wiederholung sind die nächsten Felder nicht dargestellt |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
47000 | [Energy storage unit 1] Product model | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: None |
47028 | [Energy storage] Time-of-use electricity price period s | RW | MULTIDATA | 1 | 41 | |||
47075 | [Energy storage] Maximum charging power | RW | UINT32 | W | 1 | 2 | [0; Upper threshold] Default value: 3500 | Maximale Ladeleistung |
47077 | [Energy storage] Maximum discharging power | RW | UINT32 | W | 1 | 2 | [0;Upper threshold] Default value: 3500 | Maximale Entladeleistung |
47081 | [Energy storage] Charging cutoff capacity | RW | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | [90;100] Default value: 100 | Maximale Ladekapazität konfiguriert |
47082 | [Energy storage] Discharge cutoff capacity | RW | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | [12;20] Default value: 15 | Minimale Entladeleistung konfiguriert |
47083 | [Energy storage] Forced charging and discharging period | RW | UINT16 | mins | 1 | 1 | [0;1440] The value is not stored | |
47084 | [Energy storage] Forced charging and discharging power | RW | INT32 | W | 1 | 2 | [-“Maximum discharge power“,“Maximum charge power“] Forced charge/ discharge power ≤ Maximum charge/ discharge power ≤ Rated charge/ discharge power Do not store | |
47086 | [Energy storage] Working mode settings | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0:Adaptive(Fixed charge/ discharge / Maximise self consumption) |
47087 | [Energy storage] Charge from grid Function | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: Disable |
Laden vom Netz aktiviert (0/1) | |
47088 | [Energy storage] Grid charge cutoff SOC | RW | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | [20,100] Default: 50 | Maximale SoC für Netzladung aktiviert (0/1) |
47089 | [Energy storage unit 2] Product model | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: none |
Batterietyp (1:LG, 2:LUNA2000) | |
47100 | [Energy storage] Forcible charge / discharge | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: Stop |
Laden / Entladen erzwungen (0: Stopp, 1: Laden, 2: Entladen, 2: Entladen) | |
47101 | [Energy storage] Target SOC | RW | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 | [0,100] | |
47102 | [Energy storage] Backup power SOC | RW | UINT16 | % | 10 | 1 |
Defini tion: Reseved energy storage capacity in backup mode |
% SoC reserviert für Backup-Modus (UPS) |
47106 | [Energy storage] Product model | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0:none |
47107 | [Energy storage unit 1] No | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | [0,65534] Default: 0 Which means no equipment | Batterie 1 installiert (0=nicht installiert) | |
47108 | [Energy storage unit 2] No | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | [0;65534], Default: 0 Which means no equipment | Batterie 2 installiert (0=nicht installiert) | |
47200 | [Energy storage] Fixed charging and discharging period s | RW | MUL TIDA TA | 1 | 41 | Ladestrom vom Netz | ||
47242 | [Energy storage] Power of charge from grid | RW | UINT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | [0, maximum power of charge from grid] | |
47244 | [Energy storage]Max imum power of charge from grid | RW | UINT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | Default: 2000 | Maximale Leistung für Netzladung konfiguriert |
47246 | [Energy storage]Forcible charge / discharge setting mode | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | 0: Duration | ||
47247 | [Energy storage] Forcible charge power | RW | UINT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | [0,maximum charge power] | |
47249 | [Energy storage] Forcible discharge power | RW | UINT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | [0,maximum discharge power ] | |
47255 | [Energy storage] Time of Use charging and discharging period s | RW | Bytes | 1 | 43 | PV-Überkonfiguration (0: exportieren, 1: Batterie laden) | ||
47299 | [Energy storage] Excess PV energy use in TOU | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: Fed to grid |
47415 | Active power control mode | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 |
0: Unlimited (default) |
47416 | Maximum Feed Grid Power (kW) | RW | INT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | [-1000;Plant Capacity] default:0 | |
47418 | Maximum Feed Grid Power (%) | RW | INT16 | % | 10 | 1 | [0;100] default:0 | |
47590 | [Dongle] [Plant] maximum charge-from-grid power | RW | UINT32 | kW | 1000 | 2 | [0;30] | |
47604 | [Back up] Switch to off-grid | RW | UINT16 | 1 | 1 | 0: Switch from grid- tied to off-grid | ||
47605 | [Backup] Voltage in independent operation | RW | UINT16 | V | 1 | 1 |
0: 101 V |
47750 | [Energy storage unit 1] [Battery pack1] No | RW | UINT16 | 1 | [0,65534] Default: 0. Which means no equipment | Batterie 1, Modul 1 installiert | ||
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Fehlermeldungen vom Modbus
No. | Alarm | Bit | Alarm Name | Alarm ID | Level |
1 | Alarm 1 | 0 | High String Input Voltage | 2001 | Major |
2 | Alarm 1 | 1 | DC Arc Fault | 2002 | Major |
3 | Alarm 1 | 2 | String Reverse Connection | 2011 | Major |
4 | Alarm 1 | 3 | String Current Backfeed | 2012 | Warning |
5 | Alarm 1 | 4 | Abnormal String Power | 2013 | Warning |
6 | Alarm 1 | 5 | AFCI Self-Check Fail | 2021 | Major |
7 | Alarm 1 | 6 | Phase Wire Short-Circuited to PE | 2031 | Major |
8 | Alarm 1 | 7 | Grid Loss | 2032 | Major |
9 | Alarm 1 | 8 | Grid Undervoltage | 2033 | Major |
10 | Alarm 1 | 9 | Grid Overvoltage | 2034 | Major |
11 | Alarm 1 | 10 | Grid Volt Imbalance | 2035 | Major |
12 | Alarm 1 | 11 | Grid Overfrequency | 2036 | Major |
13 | Alarm 1 | 12 | Grid Underfrequency | 2037 | Major |
14 | Alarm 1 | 13 | Unstable Grid Frequency | 2038 | Major |
15 | Alarm 1 | 14 | Output Overcurrent | 2039 | Major |
16 | Alarm 1 | 15 | Output DC Component Overhigh | 2040 | Major |
No. | Alarm | Bit | Alarm Name | Alarm ID | Level |
17 | Alarm 2 | 0 | Abnormal Residual Current | 2051 | Major |
18 | Alarm 2 | 1 | Abnormal Grounding | 2061 | Major |
19 | Alarm 2 | 2 | Low Insulation Resistance | 2062 | Major |
20 | Alarm 2 | 3 | Overtemperature | 2063 | Minor |
21 | Alarm 2 | 4 | Device Fault | 2064 | Major |
22 | Alarm 2 | 5 | Upgrade Failed or Version Mismatch | 2065 | Minor |
23 | Alarm 2 | 6 | License Expired | 2066 | Warning |
24 | Alarm 2 | 7 | Faulty Monitoring Unit | 61440 | Minor |
25 | Alarm 2 | 8 | Faulty Power Collector | 2067 | Major |
26 | Alarm 2 | 9 | Battery abnormal | 2068 | Minor |
27 | Alarm 2 | 10 | Active Islanding | 2070 | Major |
28 | Alarm 2 | 11 | Passive Islanding | 2071 | Major |
29 | Alarm 2 | 12 | Transient AC Overvoltage | 2072 | Major |
30 | Alarm 2 | 13 | Peripheral port short circuit | 2075 | Warning |
31 | Alarm 2 | 14 | Churn output overload | 2077 | Major |
32 | Alarm 2 | 15 | Abnormal PV module configuration | 2080 | Major |
No. | Alarm | Bit | Alarm Name | Alarm ID | Level |
33 | Alarm 3 | 0 | Optimizer fault | 2081 | Warning |
34 | Alarm 3 | 1 | Built-in PID operation abnormal | 2085 | Minor |
35 | Alarm 3 | 2 | High input string voltage to ground | 2014 | Major |
36 | Alarm 3 | 3 | External Fan Abnormal | 2086 | Major |
37 | Alarm 3 | 4 | Battery Reverse Connection | 2069 | Major |
38 | Alarm 3 | 5 | On-grid /Off-grid controller abnormal | 2082 | Major |
39 | Alarm 3 | 6 | PV String Loss | 2015 | Warning |
40 | Alarm 3 | 7 | Internal Fan Abnormal | 2087 | Major |
41 | Alarm 3 | 8 | DC Protection Unit Abnormal | 2088 | Major |
42 | Alarm 3 | 9 | EL Unit Abnormal | 2089 | Minor |
43 | Alarm 3 | 10 | Active Adjustment Instruction Abnormal | 2090 | Major |
44 | Alarm 3 | 11 | Reactive Adjustment Instruction Abnormal | 2091 | Major |
45 | Alarm 3 | 12 | CT Wiring Abnormal | 2092 | Major |
46 | Alarm 3 | 13 | DC Arc Fault(ADMC Alarm to be clear manually) | 2003 | Major |
47 | Alarm 3 | 14 | DC Switch Abnormal | 2093 | Minor |
48 | Alarm 3 | 15 | Allowable discharge capacity of the battery is low | 2094 | Warning |
Modelle und Firmware
Model ID | Model | Earliest Firm Version |
0 | SUN2000-20KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
1 | SUN2000-17KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
2 | SUN2000-15KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
3 | SUN2000-12KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
4 | SUN2000-10KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
5 | SUN2000-8KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
9 | SUN8000-500KTL | SUN8000 V100R001 |
16 | SUN2000-24.5KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
17 | SUN2000-23KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
18 | SUN2000-28KTL | SUN2000 V100R001 |
19 | SUN2000-33KTL | SUN2000 V200R001C90 |
20 | SUN2000-40KTL | SUN2000 V200R001C90 |
21 | SUN2000-25KTL-US | SUN2000 V200R001C02 |
22 | SUN2000-30KTL-US | SUN2000 V200R001C02 |
23 | SUN2000-30KTL-A | SUN2000 V200R001C90 |
24 | SUN2000-50KTL-C1 | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
25 | SUN2000-22KTL-US | SUN2000 V200R001C02 |
26 | SUN2000-42KTL | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
27 | SUN2000-36KTL | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
28 | SUN2000-33KTL-JP | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
29 | SUN2000-40KTL-JP | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
30 | SUN2000-50KTL | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
31 | SUN2000-43KTL-IN-C1 | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
32 | SUN2000-24.7KTL-JP | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
33 | SUN2000-60KTL-HV-D1 | SUN2000HA V100R001 |
34 | SUN2000-45KTL-US-HV-D0 | SUN2000HA V100R001 |
35 | SUN2000-40KTL-US | SUN2000 V200R002C20 |
36 | SUN2000-33KTL-US | SUN2000 V200R002C20 |
37 | SUN2000-36KTL-US | SUN2000 V200R002C20 |
38 | SUN2000-55KTL-HV-D1 | SUN2000HA V100R001 |
39 | SUN2000-55KTL-IN-HV-D1 | SUN2000HA V100R001 |
40 | SUN2000-55KTL-HV-D1-001 | SUN2000HA V100R001 |
41 | SUN2000-60KTL-HV-D1-001 | SUN2000HA V100R001 |
43 | SUN2000-33KTL-A | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
44 | SUN2000-33KTL-E001 | SUN2000 V200R001C90 |
45 | SUN2000-70KTL-C1 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
46 | SUN2000-65KTL-M0 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
48 | SUN2000-70KTL-INM0 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
50 | SUN2000-50KTL-M0 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
51 | SUN2000-63KTL-JPM0 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
53 | SUN2000-50KTL-JPM0 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
55 | SUN2000-60KTL-M0 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
56 | SUN2000-75KTL-C1 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
59 | SUN2000-50KTL-JPM1 | SUN2000 V300R001C00 |
60 | SUN2000-29.9KTL | SUN2000 V200R002C00 |
70 | SUN2000-100KTL-USH0 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
71 | SUN2000-100KTL-H1 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
72 | SUN2000-100KTL-H0 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
73 | SUN2000-90KTL-H1 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
74 | SUN2000-95KTL-INH0 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
75 | SUN2000-90KTL-H0 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
76 | SUN2000-63KTL-JPH0 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
78 | SUN2000-100KTL-H2 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
79 | SUN2000-105KTL-H1 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
81 | SUN2000-90KTL-H2 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
82 | SUN2000-95KTL-INH1 | SUN2000HA V200R001C00 |
101 | SUN2000-175KTL-H0 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
102 | SUN2000-185KTL-INH0 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
103 | SUN2000-168KTL-H1 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
104 | SUN2000-185KTL-H1 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
105 | SUN2000-193KTL-H0 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
106 | SUN2000-196KTL-H0 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
107 | SUN2000-196KTL-H1 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
108 | SUN2000-200KTL-H2 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
109 | SUN2000-215KTL-H0 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
110 | SUN2000-125KTL-JPH0 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
111 | SUN2000-196KTL-H3 | SUN2000HA V300R001C00 |
141 | SUN2000-100KTL-M0 | SUN2000 V500R001C00 |
142 | SUN2000-100KTL-M1 | SUN2000 V500R001C00 |
143 | SUN2000-100KTL-INM0 | SUN2000 V500R001C00 |
144 | SUN2000-110KTL-M0 | SUN2000 V500R001C00 |
145 | SUN2000-125KTL-M0 | SUN2000 V500R001C00 |
146 | SUN2000-111KTL-NHM0 | SUN2000 V500R001C00 |
300 | SUN2000L-5KTL | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
301 | SUN2000L-4.6KTL | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
302 | SUN2000L-4KTL | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
303 | SUN2000L-3.68KTL | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
304 | SUN2000L-3KTL | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
305 | SUN2000L-2KTL | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
306 | SUN2000L-5KTL-CN | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
307 | SUN2000L-5KTL-CN-4G | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
308 | SUN2000L-4KTL-CN | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
309 | SUN2000L-4KTL-CN-4G | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
310 | SUN2000L-3KTL-CN | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
311 | SUN2000L-3KTL-CN-4G | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
312 | SUN2000-7.6KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
313 | SUN2000-7.6KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
315 | SUN2000-5KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
316 | SUN2000-5KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
318 | SUN2000-3.8KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
319 | SUN2000-3.8KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
321 | SUN2000-11.4KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
322 | SUN2000-11.4KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
324 | SUN2000-9KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
325 | SUN2000-9KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
330 | SUN2000L-4.95KTL-JP | SUN2000L V100R001C12 |
331 | SUN2000L-4.125KTL-JP | SUN2000L V100R001C12 |
332 | SUN2000-10KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
333 | SUN2000-10KTL-USL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C10 |
334 | SUN2000-3KTL-CNL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C20 |
335 | SUN2000-4KTL-CNL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C20 |
336 | SUN2000-5KTL-CNL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C20 |
337 | SUN2000-6KTL-CNL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C20 |
338 | SUN2000-2KTL-L0 | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
339 | SUN2000-3KTL-L0 | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
340 | SUN2000-4KTL-L0 | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
341 | SUN2000-5KTL-L0 | SUN2000L V100R001C00 |
342 | SUN2000-4.95KTL-JPL0 | SUN2000L V100R001C20 |
343 | SUN2000-6KTL-L1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
344 | SUN2000-5KTL-L1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
345 | SUN2000-4.6KTL-L1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
346 | SUN2000-4KTL-L1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
347 | SUN2000-3.68KTL-L10 | SUN2000L V200R001C0 |
348 | SUN2000-3KTL-L1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
349 | SUN2000-2KTL-L1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
350 | SUN2000-4.95KTL-JPL1 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
351 | SUN2000-4.95KTL-NHL2 | SUN2000L V200R001C00 |
400 | SUN2000-5KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
401 | SUN2000-5KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
402 | SUN2000-6KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
403 | SUN2000-6KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
404 | SUN2000-8KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
405 | SUN2000-8KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
406 | SUN2000-10KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
407 | SUN2000-10KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
408 | SUN2000-12KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
410 | SUN2000-3KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
411 | SUN2000-4KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
412 | SUN2000-15KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
413 | SUN2000-17KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
414 | SUN2000-20KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10SUN2000MA |
415 | SUN2000-8KTL | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
416 | SUN2000-10KTL | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
417 | SUN2000-12KTL | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
418 | SUN2000-8KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
419 | SUN2000-10KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
420 | SUN2000-12KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
421 | SUN2000-15KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
422 | SUN2000-17KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
423 | SUN2000-20KTL-M0 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10SUN2000MA |
424 | SUN2000-3KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
425 | SUN2000-4KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
426 | SUN2000-5KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
427 | SUN2000-6KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
428 | SUN2000-8KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
429 | SUN2000-10KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
430 | SUN2000-8KTL-M2 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
431 | SUN2000-10KTL-M2 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
432 | SUN2000-12KTL-M2 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
433 | SUN2000-15KTL-M2 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
434 | SUN2000-17KTL-M2 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
435 | SUN2000-20KTL-M2 | SUN2000MA V100R001C10 |
436 | SUN2000-15KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
437 | SUN2000-17KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
438 | SUN2000-20KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
439 | SUN2000-23KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
440 | SUN2000-24.5KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
441 | SUN2000-25KTL-NAM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
442 | SUN2000-28KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
443 | SUN2000-29.9KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
444 | SUN2000-30KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
445 | SUN2000-36KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
446 | SUN2000-40KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
447 | SUN2000-42KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
448 | SUN2000-44KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
449 | SUN2000-50KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
450 | SUN2000-30KTL-NAM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
451 | SUN2000-33KTL-NAM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
452 | SUN2000-36KTL-NAM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
453 | SUN2000-40KTL-NAM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
454 | SUN2000-43KTL-INM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
455 | SUN2000-33KTL-NHM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
456 | SUN2000-40KTL-NHM3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
457 | SUN2000-20KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
458 | SUN2000-29.9KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
459 | SUN2000-30KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
460 | SUN2000-36KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
461 | SUN2000-40KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
462 | SUN2000-30KTL-M3 | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
463 | SUN2000-12KTL-M1 | SUN2000MA V100R001C00 |
468 | SUN2000-33KTL-NH | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |
469 | SUN2000-40KTL-NH | SUN2000MA V100R001C20 |